Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Back in the saddle again...

We all start off the year with the best of intentions. I’ve set goals, drafted plans, created incentive programs, etc…but why does it seem we find ourselves, off course, distracted or not even on the same playing field as we were just a few weeks ago?

Often, it is simply that we are trying to do too much. So before you make a promise, or set a deadline, actually before you create the plan take a look at the big picture. Often this can be done by simply making a list of all the things you need to do, then go back and highlight all those things which are not your absolute core-competency. The remaining items that are on your list can usually be outsourced to consultants, interns or part-time employees.

If the thought of finding someone for each of these tasks seems daunting find someone who can act as a project manager: someone who can research copywriters, graphic artists, retirement plans or phone systems and provide you with 2 or 3 choices to review.

Just remember you don’t have to do it all at once nor do you have to do it alone!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Do you need help running your business?

Are you like so many of us? When you started your business did you say, "my schedule will be flexible" or "my time will be my own", perhaps, "I make my own hours"?

Only too soon, you realized the priorities of projects, deadlines, and clients all need to be tended to for you to actually have a business. Their needs dictate your schedule.

Oh wait! What about bookkeeping, marketing, travel, conference calls, your website, scheduling meetings, networking, inventory management, researching the right blog platform, finding an SEO consultant, a copywriter?

Oh yeah, THIS is running a business...

Are there days you spend more time time setting up meeting than you do meeting with clients, how many weekends have you spent doing your bookkeeping? Or if you are like me shuffling receipts from one pile to another...

Even if you handle 90% of your business do you feel that extra 10% stands between you and a truly successful business?

Some one else can understand the scribble on your receipts, remember that you like an aisle seat and contribute to clean air initiatives when you purchase airplane tickets, or coordinate 5 people on a conference call over 3 time zones just a good as you can.

It might take some time to find the right person to work with you but they are out there...in my next post we will discuss some best practices for outsourcing and hiring contractors.

In the meantime if you have questions or comments on this topic please post away!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Good Intentions

I believe we always want to start out on the right foot...my new years resolution (I should say one of them, right up there with lose 5lbs, get more sleep and eat less chocolate) is to be more consistant with the things that will help me grow my business and give some small and medium size companies, a value add - which is what I hope this blog will be.

I know that not everyone who reads this will find it enlightening. But, I am putting these thoughts and ideas out here - in cyberspace, with the intention to offer some advice and tips that I have learned along the way. These are many of the same techniques I use with my clients while helping them grow and market their companies.

When we talk about good intentions, we are saying, "this is what I really want to do, what I intend to do". We are not saying, "by God with out fail, I will never miss a day at the gym, I will never miss a blog posting, I will never think a bad thought about the smelly guy on the bus next to me". We are affirming that we want to our best.

So as you go through your day, your work plan, exercise plan or weight loss plan, be good to yourself. Know, you will forget, sleep in or eat that extra piece of super dark chocolate with that small glass of wine because it taste so good...

And, wake up tomorrow and put your best intention forward, again.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Plan a little so you can do a lot...

"Plan a little so you can do a lot more" is the title of one of the chapters of a great book titled 42 Rules of Marketing http://www.42rules.com/marketing/ by Laura Lowell. So where do you start with your plan? Here are the first 3 things I would recommend:

1. Define what your business objective is; know what you want to accomplish

2. Get to know your customers

3. Create a budget

Tell me your thoughts? What are some of the things you struggle with when it comes to marketing your business? Or what is the greatest piece of advise anyone ever gave you?

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Taking the plunge

I decided that I better start my own blog before it became an embarrassing issue...I create blogs for my clients, even implement blog schedules so the topics are already planned out to make it easy. I actively comment on others blogs, but did I have a blog? No, not until now...

So why do I think it is so important not only to have a blog but to do something with it? In today's business environment it isn't enough to hang your shingle, put an ad in the yellow pages, or have a print ad in the newspaper. In fact, for a lot of businesses today those marketing tactics would totally useless. You need a website, a blog that you actually post to, Facebook page and if you "tweet" with any regularity you are really on top of your game! If you are a business owner you want people to consider you an expert in your field. So along with demonstrating expertise in my field of media relations and sustainable business practices I hope to share ideas with other business owners that might give them some insight into the new rules of marketing and public relations. And, if all goes as planned this blog will become a forum where we can learn from each other.

So with this very simple, straight forward post I launch my blog...